MediCare offers extensive travel and health risk advisory services to provide clients and their staff with timely, up-to-the-minute health advice on the regions in which they operate. The services, offered complimentary to clients, comprise a weekly health risk alert, covering primarily disease outbreaks and level of risk, and a travel health advisory service detailing specific health advice and local services on the ground on a country-by-country basis.

Together, these two services provide an invaluable tool helping keep our clients informed about levels of the various health risks and the appropriate preventive measures they can take to protect themselves.

Health Risk Alert Services

Our international support team has developed a mechanism to identify worldwide health risks based on information from reputable entities, including the World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention based in Atlanta. We address the priorities of emerging and re-emerging epidemic diseases around the world with particular focus on areas hosting our clients operations.

For each risk noted, our support team based at our Alarm Centre in Malta produces a recommendation according to the latest international best practice. Our medicalĀ global health alert reportĀ is issued weekly. In addition, we issue ad-hoc alerts immediately we receive news of a critical, high-risk disease or global flash point.

Travel Health Advisory Service

OurĀ Travel Health Advisory ServiceĀ provides detailed health information on countries worldwide in an online directory format via our client portal. It includes up-to-date information on areas such as local public health issues, health alerts, national medical and health service infrastructure and providers on the ground, as well as the travel vaccinations required and recommended before travel. The Travel Advisory Portal provides also useful background information such as health educational resources relating to specific health concerns in regions and countries covered.

In addition, our team of travel health specialists offers support by phone and email to help answer your specific queries.